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29. Okt. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
Bathing in the Sunlight - Im Sonnenlicht baden
~Deutsche Version unten~ Taking a walk with my daughter, I discovered this wonderful place bathed in the scintillating Spanish sun. ~ Als...

8. Okt. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
A World of Art - Eine Welt der Kunst
~Deutsche Version unten~ I had the privilege to participate in a private tour through the Teatro Real in Madrid. Truly a place where art...

1. Okt. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
A Love Poem - Ein Liebesgedicht
~Deutsche Version unten~ The book "Poems of New York" has always been a great inspiration for my own works - be it a novel or a poem....

24. Sept. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
Breakfast with Rafael Alberti - Frühstück mit Rafael Alberti
~ Deutsche Version unten ~ Monday mornings have a certain slumber to them - one half of your mind is still celebrating the weekend while...

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